How I went from being a plastic surgeon specializing in rhinoplasty to helping hundreds of plastic surgeons around the world

Before thinking about helping the medical profession, my time was dedicated 100% to what I love to do most – operate.

And a few years later I decided to effectively share my experience and knowledge, contributing to the evolution of colleagues passionate about rhinoplasty.


Serenity to make the right decisions.

Mindful to dream ahead, but without forgetting the now.

Calm and patience to know that everything has its time.

Serenity to face challenges.

Growth mindset to know that I can always evolve, in different areas of my life.

Poise to balance it all.

My mission

Taking care of each patient as “unique” always doing my best

Teaching and sharing knowledge so that medicine can continue to evolve

Vision and Values

Science and medicine grow when knowledge is shared.

More prepared professionals mean patients being better assisted.

Do for the student what a teacher once did for us.

Beginners mind… always keep your beginner's mind open to new possibilities.

Ready to assume your great position and become a Protagonist in Rhinoplasty?

Start by immersing yourself in one of our exclusive programs:

A little about myself

  • Pioneer in Hybrid Rhinoplasty.
  • Speaker at the largest plastic surgery congresses in the world.
  • Recognized by the greatest plastic surgeons in the world for its ability to pass on knowledge.
  • She loves playing sports and being with her children.
  • Founder of the first international online mentoring in structured and preserving rhinoplasty HRAM (hybrid rhinoplasty advanced mentoring) and HRET (hybrid rhinoplasty excellence training cadaver dissection), with more than 300 students from all over the world.
  • Coordinator of the clinical fellowship at the PERFACE institute

“To be good at what you do, you need to be among the best.”

Fernando Nakamura