Hi, I am

Dr. Fernando Nakamura


Pioneer in Hybrid Rhinoplasty, international speaker and founder of the first international online mentoring in structured and preservative rhinoplasty HRAM (hybrid rhinoplasty advanced mentoring) and HRET (hybrid rhinoplasty excellence training cadaver dissection), with more than 1200 students from all over the world.

Get to know our programs to expand your knowledge, cut corners and reach your high performance.

Everything you need to learn about rhinoplasty in one place

In 1 single place, dozens of sources of knowledge that you can only find here for just $3 per day.

Curso sobre rinoplastia preservadora, estruturada, híbrida e secundária.

Theoretical classes, demonstrative study on the cadaver and live surgeries.

Specialized internship at the Perface Institute aims to provide theoretical and practical training in areas of plastic surgery.


Don't have the life you've always dreamed of?

To have an Extraordinary Life you need to master all areas of your life.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty

Dr NKMURA Cosmetics

Unique Cosmetics Line

Created especially for you who want to maintain beautiful and soft skin.

Naka Shake

More Health and Performance at Work

The Shake recipe that helps me perform more and be more productive on a daily basis.

Fascinated by everything that challenges us every day to become a better version of ourselves.

Always looking for high performance, not only professionally, but also in my personal life.

Grateful first of all to my parents, wife and family, to my teachers, to all my PERFACE team, true friends…

Motivation to continue growing regardless of obstacles.

Enthusiasm to always keep learning new things.

Through his Rhinoplasty courses, Fernando Nakamura inspires a legion of Plastic Surgeons from around the world with his unique talent for teaching, operating and bringing people together.

“I can really say that I am very happy and grateful for having helped more than 300 surgeons from more than 20 countries to be a better version of themselves, improving their results in rhinoplasty and giving tools for each one to develop their greatest potential within themselves."

Its philosophy is that working in high performance in various areas of life, not only personal but also professional, can generate extraordinary growth.

Naka Cast

The most complete podcast about the world of Rhinoplasty.

If you want to learn from the best surgeons in the world about Rhinoplasty, have access to in-depth and high-level content, you are in the right place.

Listen today success stories, interviews with the greatest plastic surgeons in the world, summaries, reviews, news from the World of Rhinoplasty you can only find here.

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